Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Production Plan

Thursday 29th November
Started filming for my music video, I have filmed a lot of what I need for my video

Tuesday 4th December
I filmed some more of my  music video, I have no got all of the choruses done so now I need to do the verses.

Tuesday 11th December
Start filming some of my verses, so I have most of it done and completed. I also need to take pictures of my performer that I am using so I can do my performer profile.

Friday 14th December
Continue editing for my music video.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Casting, Mise-en-Scene Recce

 Holly Proctor - the main performer in my music video.

the Mise-en-Scene that I used was costumes that the performer was wearing, she was wearing a black leather skirt, a black bandoe and black high heeled shoes with studs on, and the accessories that she was wearing where gold necklaces.

Friday, 30 November 2012

Music Videos Influences

Delilah - Love You So

This music video influences me because I like the affect that it gives, the fact that it looks mystical and the lighting that is used. Looking closely at the music video made me change my mind on what I wanted my music video to look like. I wanted it to be in a wood and very fairy tale like, but after looking at the song lyrics for my original song that I am using and the video for 

Ed Sheeran - Give Me Love

This music video also influences me when the girl who is in the music video is walking along the road and in the tunnel, the impression that you get is that she is alone, and this impression that is given out is what i need to portray in my music video.

Problems with my Story Board

The problem that i had with my Storyboard was that when i originally scanned it in, i saved it as a a PDF rather than a JPEG, this meant that it was going to be very hard for me to put the images onto my blog, this also meant that i would have to scan it in again and upload the images which are JPEGs.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Health and Saftey Production Assessment

Who is at risk?
Severity of injury
Change in injury
Control measures
Hurting yourself when performer has to fall back
Making sure that there is a soft landing for the performer
Make sure that there is a soft landing and that she is aware of the dangers
Injuries during throwing the paint bombs at each other
All the dancers and the performer
Tell the dancers to be careful and not throw the bombs to hard.
Make the dancers aware of the hazards.

Casting and Mise-en-Scene Recce

I have 1 main dancer that I am having in my music video who is called Holly Proctor. Then addition to that I also have a couple of dancers who are in a couple of my shots.

I am using a couple of props in my music video. I am using paint bombs in a couple of my shots, this is when they group of dancers are throwing the bombs at each other.

The costume that my perfromer will be wearing are a number of things. when she is dancing on her own in the woods then she will be dressed in fairytale look about it. When she is in the same shot as the other dancers then they will all be wearing the same thing but obviouosly will be covered in different coloured paint because they have been throwing the paint at each other.

My Audience Profile

Monday, 22 October 2012

Make Up Ideas

 These are some of my ideas of how I want my model in my music video to look like. I want the model to still look glamours but also look unusual and Alice in Wonderland look as that is what I want my music video to look like. The back ground will be very dark as it will be in the woods, but because the model will have bright makeup on that will draw attention to her face and the performers facial expressions.

Inspirations for my music video

Friday, 19 October 2012

Codes and Conventions Essay

For every different music genre video they follow different codes and conventions the helps makes them different from other music videos.

The sound that is used in the music video is the song that the music video is about. However in some music videos there is a narrative at the beginning or in the middle on the video. The reason for this is to help tell the story of the song or the meaning within the music video. Sound effects can be used in the music for example in certain genre music the volume of a certain instrument or the base in the song can be changed so the audience can hear a particular part in the song.

There are two different types of editing that the music video may have in it, continuity and montage. Continuity editing may be in the music video to make it look very simple and that it may give the video a different effect. Montage editing may be involved in the music video to show that there is a lot of different things going on in the music video, to help show that there are a lot of different stories going on within the video. Jump cuts are usually used to change from shot to shot in different parts of the montage or the continuity editing. Computer Generated Images also known as CGI may be used to help import animals that are not there. A green screen may also be used to out in a background that wasn’t originally there.  CGI and a green screen could be used to make the music video seem a lot more intense or exciting for the viewer to watch.

Mise –en-scene
Mise-en-scene is the one way in which can make the music video seem unique and can make the viewer of the music video tell what genre it is. Mise-en-scene in a music video is a good way to help the artist be individual and give them an image, for example Lady Gaga is known for having weird costumes and make up in her music videos. When the audience are watching the music video they can immediately remember who it is and this is a good way to publicise the song because people will be talking about the costumes in the video, therefore more people are going to watch it. The lighting is involved in the Mise-en-scene because the high amount of light could affect the mood of the song, you are more likely to find that in a happy song there is a high amount of like, but on a rock song the light is going to be dark and not a lot of light. Usually there is a lot of light ion the singer making the audience focus on them because they are the main feature in the music video. The Mise-en-scene in a rock video is that they are mostly always wearing black, in the music video they are usually shots of the whole band playing their song with low lighting. In an R&B music video there are usually a lot of women in it, and the men are always wearing chains or expensive looking jewellery to show off what they have got because they are usually from a rough background in the Bronx of New York. So wearing the big chains and the jewellery lets people know that they are moving up in live and that they are making money. 

Cinematography is usually very similar in every music video; there is always a close up, medium shot, and a long shot. The reason for the close up is to show the artist singing the song and the expression on their face whilst they are singing it. There may even be an extreme close up in the video to show a musician playing the guitar or a close up of the artist lips when they are miming the words. The reason for the medium shot could be that it could be to show the artist body language and the long shot could also be known as an establishing shot to let the view of the music video know where about they are where the artist is, whether they are in a club or somewhere that suits the genre of the film. A long shot could also help show that a group of people doing a dance routine, so the viewer can get the full affect. 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Pictures taken during the filming was taken place

The group  looking at what they recorded 

 The group  looking at what they recorded 
 In the process of filming Han 
 Filming Han 
 Han did not know the words and therefore Jen had to held them above the camera whilst Nadia was filming 
 Nadia, Toni and Jen telling Han where to stand in the shot 
Nadia, Toni and Jen telling Han where to stand in the shot  
Nadia, Toni and Jen telling Han where to stand in the shot 
 Nadia and Jasmine sorting out the camera angle 
 Mark doing some filming