How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Examples of the points I was making in the video.
Magazine Advert
This is my magazine advert, in the image above it shows how step by step I got to the final product. The way in which I did this was by getting a blank document open on Photoshop, I then opened one of the pictures that I wanted to use and then cropped it in Photoshop and placed it onto the plain document. I then got the text that I wanted and that I was going to use, the surrounding area of the image that I did not need had already been erased away because I had to do that for my Digipak. I then dragged the text on to the document and placed it where I felt was necessary. I slowly started to put different headings onto the document to slowly turn it into the magazine advert.
The Title that is on my Digipak and Magazine Advert
I got the text that I wanted off Da Fonts which is a website which has over 1000 different fronts that I could choose from. The reason why I chose the font that I did was because I wanted it to be bold and for it to stand out. The steps in which I went through to get the text just by itself and not surround buy the entire unwanted image. I copied the image onto Photoshop and started to erase around the outside of the text, making sure that I had a steady hand and that I did not go over any of the text that I wanted. Once I had done that I then zoomed in to make sure that the entire unwanted image behind the text had gone. I then opened a new document and copied the text onto it and then I had my text ready to use for my Digipak and my Magazine advert.
This is a step by step shot of how I drew on the picture of my model.