In my Media Studies coursework, I had to make a music video to a
song of my choice. The song I chose was 'Go' by Delilah. I did the music video
by filming with my friend’s camera and I used one of my friends who I knew was
going to be reliable. I thought that using a friend that was going to be
reliable was a good idea. I started to plan what song I was going to do at the
start of the term and
I did all of the
other planning that I had to do between September and before
the Christmas half term.
the Christmas half time I started to film my music video, and after
this, I started to edit what I had got. When I started to edit my music video,
I realized that I did not have the music that went over the top of
it. So what I did when I first went onto the editing suit that the media
technician put me onto, I uploaded all of the footage that I had filmed
and started to put it in the order that I wanted it to go in. The next day, I
brought my memory stick which had my music on, I then had to virus check the
memory stick to see whether or not it had any viruses on it. The reason why I
had to do this was because if the memory stick did have a virus on it, then
there would be a possibility that it could wipe out the whole of
the editing suit and lose everyone's work. Once I had virus
checked it, I then uploaded the music and placed it on the editing timeline. I
then stared to crop and get rid of some of the footage that I had, because it
either did not fit to the beat or I had to crop it to make it fit into
the beat.
I found out the codes and conventions of music videos that artists
already done, such
as Delilah- Love You So ,Jessie Ware -
Night Light and Delilah - Inside My Love. I looked
at theses to see what the themes and conventions that kept on appearing, this
way I would get inspiration for my music video. When I was looking at all of
the music
Since uploading my music video on 18th April 2013, there has been 100 views on my music video. this is a good way to see that my music video is being viewed by my audience. This also gives the chance for my audience the chance to comment on my music video, and it is another way for them to give me feedback other than social networking sites.
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