Audience Feedback on Facebook

These are screen shots of some audience feedback that I had been given over the social networking site Facebook. As you can see from the feedback I have been given, they have all said positive comments about my music video. However, I will find out when I do some more audience feedback and ask questions on some of the things that I could have done better.
From the audience feedback that I have got, I have found
that the music video fits in with the genre that I chose. Another thing that I
found out from my questions that I asked was that the narrative of my music
video is easy to understand, this is something that I wanted to happen because I
didn’t want my music video to be random and for it to make no sense. I aimed my
music video for people aged late teens early 20s, as you can tell from the
audience feedback that I have got that other people thought that the age group
should be early 20's. On one of the questions that I asked someone also said
that they thought that it was also aimed at females. The reason for this was
because of the fact that the females could easily relate to the storyline,
which is about a girl getting ready to meet her boyfriend, and when she comes
back from meeting him, you see that she is really upset, so you understand that
something had happened. In my audience feedback one of my questions was 'Can
you tell that my ancillary text goes with my music video?' all of the people
had answered that you can tell. I am pleased that they were able to tell that
my magazine advert, Digipak and my music video went together. The reason why
you are able to tell that they all go together is because of the fact that the
person in the advert, Digipak and in the music video is the same person. I
thought that if I used different people then it would not follow the continuity
and it would look different. I also used the pink flamingos for my background in
both of my ancillary texts, because I thought that way would be another good
idea to follow the continuity, and because the pink flamingos is such a bold
part in the music video with it being in a lot of backgrounds for my video, the
audience will remember it and when they see the magazine adverts and Digipak,
they will know that it is from my music video.
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